I received an email from my publisher and I am happy to announce that my new book of cartoons, “And So It Goes, Vol. 2” is available for purchase. But here’s the thing – as of right now, it’s only available through the publisher. At least we’re making progress – something is happening. So if you want to get a jump on it, you can get a copy if you want. To order one now, just go to book search on the Tate Publishing website, type in the book title and my name, and it should pop up.
Just so you’ll know, I should have copies in hand in about three to four weeks. At that point I will make them available through my website. I’m just glad that if you do want a copy, you can now get one. Thanks for hanging in there. The next update I do on the book will be to let you know that my copies have arrived and are available on the website.
One last thing – if you do order a book, let me know what you think of it. Just use the contact button on the home page of the website and weigh in. I would really appreciate it. Till next time …